Monday, November 4, 2019

Mount Sinai in Saudi Arabia: MIND BLOWN

This series on Mount Sinai possibly being in Saudi Arabia is too fascinating (for me) to want to move on just yet.

So, I have one more goody to share with you, and it's a doozy!

Ryan Mauro—I have no idea who he is, but he has the official journalist's voice (do you take a class to learn that in school?) did a 25 minute documentary on it that I found on Fox News. It's amazing! Besides getting amazing footage, he shares more evidence than I shared yesterday, all evidence that lines up with the Biblical account, like:
  • from conversations with locals
  • to the possibly site of the Red Sea Crossing (where coral reefs grow in some pretty interesting shapes... as if they are around wheels or something, AND where there is an underground path from the other side in Egypt), 
  • to Elim, the oasis which still has 12 wells today
  • to the possible site of the altar with the golden calf
  • a massive ancient burial ground near the camp where all the graves were dug all at once (3,000 people were killed for worshipping the calf and would have needed to have been buried)
  • a structure that looks like an ancient altar (that Moses built with uncut stones and also placed 12 pillars). It leads to the place where it's believed animals would have been slaughtered for sacrifice... and remains of animals have been found below these rocks.
  • evidence of a stream that would have flowed down the mountain and near where the altar to the golden calf was (Moses threw its remains into the river), as well as a place where there were burnt sacrifices.
  • evidence of wells, where a pool of water would have formed... proving a large population once lived there.
  • The cave of Elijah, where he spoke with God, which is above where the altar was
  • The split rock, which Josephus said was still visible in his day (1st century AD) and was so big it could not have been moved.
  • The rocks underneath the split rock are smooth, as if water passed over them.
  • Hebrew inscriptions nearby with pretty strong evidence (too much for me to type here)
This Bible nerd is like 😱😱😱😱😱😱! Literally... in the middle of this, I went, "Holy cow"... and then realized what I said. 😂 My mind is completely blown, and I'm going to have to watch this like 20 more times.

Watch it for yourself—you won't regret it!

(A screenshot from the video. The 2 arrows - that I drew -  in the photo point to people. One is almost impossible to see because he's wearing khaki. The other is standing and wearing black by the side of a rock. That's how massive this rock is. It sits on a hill that is 100feet high, and the rock itself is between 40-50 feet, which a crack big enough for a grown man to fit inside).



  1. I still can't even with this video and all the info in it. CAN'T EVEN! AMAZING!!!!!

  2. Wow... thanks for sharing that video too! I'll come back to it when I have a hot second, haha
