Monday, June 24, 2019

How to read the Filament Bible: Reflect

This is part ||| in a series about the Filament Bible.

So, after you've read the chapter, found it in the app, and explored the "Study" section, the next step is to Reflect.

The second section of the app is very simple. Once you open the "Reflect" page, you'll see a list of articles on various themes.

These are short articles, but they are so worth reading! They'll ask questions and give perspective on different themes found throughout the chapter, book, and the Bible itself.

Then, after your time of reflection, it will be time to "See". 

Monday, June 17, 2019

How to read the Filament Bible: Study

This post is part II in a series on Tyndale House's new Filament Bible and corresponding app.

I wanted to share a little about what the app provides for readers, so I'm going to use John 3 as an example.

First, you need to find the page in the app. It will look like this:

When you open the first section, called "Study", you'll find a section for verse-by-verse notes.

You'll see an overview of the book of John as a whole.

You'll see a list of all the characters listed on the page.

You'll see a page with themes found on that page.

I spend most of my time in this section. First, I read the chapter as a whole, and to get an idea of what it says. Then I go verse by verse, looking throughout the wealth of notes provided. This often leads to extra study in cross-references from other places throughout the Bible. Then, I move on to the overview, people, and themes.

But the study isn't over yet! Next, I need to "Reflect".

Monday, June 10, 2019

The NIV Filament Bible

In April of this year, I started reading through the book of John. I was so excited about it, and decided to take it slow.

I'd just made it to chapter three, and Nicodemus' conversation with Jesus on Easter Sunday. I woke up that morning and got on Instagram, to see an ad from Tyndale House on Instagram. They were advertising a new Bible called the Filament Bible, and the ad was for a trial-run in the book of John.

What's interesting about this Bible is that it is connected to an app with the same name. You can scan the pages of the Bible and find that exact page in the app, where you will be given historical, cultural, theological, and informational sections.

There are videos from the Bible Project, as well as interactive maps, charts, graphs, and other informational tools, alongside of articles and verse-by-verse information pulled straight from concordances. 

Of course, I HAD to get this Bible because I knew it would enhance my study of John, and ultimately, the Bible. After I purchased it and started reading it, I saw that its information is adding another layer to my personal studies. The book of John now in my personal Bible is psychedelic from all my notes!

As a traveler, this Bible is amazing because you can carry the Bible and not have to carry all the other books to go along with it—it's all in the app. I honestly will always prefer books over screens, because I like to interact directly with the text by underlining and highlighting, but this Bible is a great tool for travelers or a challenged budget (because you don't have to go out and buy all those resources yourself).

Monday, June 3, 2019

The AD Chronicles by Bodie and Brock Thoene

So... after the Zion Covenant, the Zion Chronicles, and the Zion Legacy by Bodie and Brock Thoene, comes the A.D. Chronicles—not only in the order they were written, but in the intended order to be read.

There are 12 books in this series, and what's so interesting is that each one has a title that corresponds with the number First LightSecond TouchThird Watch, etc. That makes it easy to keep track of where you are in the series, haha!

What's so fascinating is that this series is set back in first century Jerusalem, in the time of Jesus. How the authors connect it to WWII Europe and the Six Days' War of 1948 in Jerusalem is for you to discover. 

Click here to immerse yourself in the world of Jesus, the disciples, and first century Israel!