Monday, June 29, 2020

Taking a break...

Hey! I'm going to take a break from posting this week, as this week I had to say good-bye to my best friend, my precious poodle, Mitsi. I might end up extending this break, as it's been really hard to focus on anything but how much I miss her. If you're a dog person, I know you understand.

Monday, June 22, 2020

Reading the Bible in Color

In Bishop T.D. Jakes' panel discussion with Christine Caine, Judah Smith, Carl Lentz, Dr. Caroline Leaf, and Ron Carpenter that I shared last week, Bishop Jakes recommended the following book:
Is Christianity the White Man's Religion by Antipas L. Harris. I was so intrigued that I ordered it last week and read it.

I highly recommend this book, as it gives an in-depth, Biblical and historical exploration of how the myth of Christianity being the white man's religion came about—and how centuries of this impacts us today. 

But what stood out to me was Part II, titled "Have we been taught to misread the Bible?". This section, and specifically Chapter 6: "The Color of the Bible" specifically reminded me of the chapter on race and ethnicity in the Bible in Misreading Scriptures with Western Eyes, which I discussed here. In fact... as I re-read this chapter in order to review it on this blog, I just realized that Harris quotes Randolph and O'Brien on this very topic!

Harris points out on page 82 that "... very few people in the Bible had white skin. In fact, most of the central figures in the Bible were people of color and were born in difficult circumstances, including many of the biblical patriarchs and prophets stretching from Abraham to David and, yes, Jesus.... Additionally, most of the authors of the books of the Bible were people of color. In the New Testament, the author of the Gospel of Mark was a Jew from Cyrene, which is located in the modern northeast region of Libya. Most scholars believe that the book of Mark was the first of the Gospel writings, and that the Gospels of Matthew and Luke use Mark as a guide for their outline. This would mean that the author of the first synoptic Gospel was an African Jew" (pages 82 and 83). He goes on to point out, that Apollos, was an Egyptian Jew from Alexandria, and he is believed by some to be the author of Hebrews.

Ultimately, "the Bible features members from a kaleidoscope of ethnicities. From Israelites to Kushites, Egyptians to Babylonians, Romans to Jews, and North Africans to Greeks, the Bible contains rich ethnic threads with accompanying ideological influences" (pages 83-84).

However, it's so easy to miss this as a modern Western reader, partially because some of the clues given don't translate to us (for instance, in the sentence above, a reader might have to look up Kush to know that it was in Africa. The other part (and a big part) is the history of how Christianity became Eurocentric, which Harris describes clearly in pages 85-94. "From Genesis to Revelation, the majority of the Bible in the Bible are from an Afro-Asiatic context with a range of brown skin, thick and thin lips, broad and slender noses, tall and fat structures, and so on. There are indeed people of a European descent in the New Testament, but they have a much less prominent presence than Hollywood would have us believe" (page 97).

I highly recommend Is Christianity the White Man's Religion? because I think it asks a lot of important questions and is a biblically-based exploration of what the modern, Western Church has missed. It's given me so much to think, pray over, and consider as I continue to study God's Word and live for Him. 

In this review, I'm only focusing on one small part because it connects with the topic of both modern-day and ancient Israel, mainly that I encourage every Christian to slow down as they are reading a story or text in the Bible and instead of reading "Apollos from Alexandria" or "the Ethiopian Eunuch" and moving on quickly to the action, to reading the Bible in color.

I'm convinced this will add so much more context and understanding to our comprehension and exposition of the Scripture. Harris is as well, as he calls for more theologians of color (and women), for he states, "We must not continue to trick ourselves into thinking that people's experiences are not important when interpreting Scripture. Of course, we must be faithful to the text, but human experience is as a significant part of interpreting the Word of God in Scripture" (page 73). This is because we all read through the lenses of our own experiences. For instance, as a woman, I might have more questions about stories of women and mentions of women that men might have, an immigrant living in foreign country would read passages about foreigners differently, a single will read differently than a married person or a widow, a child might have a different view than an adult, etc. "Indeed, life experiences inform the questions we bring to the biblical text. Scripture invites all of God's children to the theological task of connecting the narrative of the biblical text with the reader's lived experience" (page 77).

I also wanted to take this time to highlight a friend of mine who is doing this beautifully. Her name is Jennifer Lucy Tyler, and she is passionate about theology and Bible literacy (as well as an author, entrepreneur, and the founder of Soul Circles). I first met her years ago, and in addition to loving her as my sister and friend, have great respect for her walk with God and her calling. She is a leading voice in our generation as a woman who loves the Word, and I hope you check her site out! Click here or on the photo below to learn more about her ministry!

I'm going to end this post with questions to consider, and would love to know what you think in the comments below: Do you read the Bible in color? If you do, how has that impacted your reading of it? How has your life experiences inform how you read it?

Monday, June 15, 2020

A response to racial tensions in Israel

What I'm going to focus on today might seem off topic, because at the outset it doesn't seem to have anything to do with Israel. Ultimately, it's my blog, so I can talk about what I want, right?

But in light of what I talked about last week, and here in April, I feel charged to share this conversation about the Church and Race. Last week, Bishop T.D. Jakes hosted a panel discussion online about recent events in the US—and where to go from here.

At first, I wasn't sure I'd watch. I only recognized 2 faces other than Bishop Jakes (the women), and it's very clear what appears to be out-of-balance about this panel. Why was this about race, when all the invitees (other than the host) are white?

Well, Bishop Jakes explains this at the end, and I don't want to spoil it for anyone. But I will say here that the two women on this panel, Christine Caine of international anti-trafficking organization A21 and Dr. Caroline Leaf, a neuroscientist and mental health expert, aren't from the US. Caine is Australian and Leaf is South African. So they both had very interesting insights, not just from their professions, but as foreigners to the US (and especially Leaf's perspective as someone who lived through the apartheid-era in South Africa).

What I do want to say, is PLEASE GO WATCH THIS DISCUSSION. It's an hour and 37 minutes long, and I had to watch it in 30 minute chunks just because there was so much weighty TRUTH in there that I needed to take time and chew on it. It is worth taking the time to watch.

And, while the topic is obviously focusing on the specific response (and responsibility) of the Church for Race, especially in light of the current events and the horrific history of slavery, injustice, and racism in the US, I think there are truths in here that could be applied to the racial situation in Israel. It could be that these are apples and oranges, but I believe all racial tension has the same root, and connections can be made from this video that we don't want to miss.

I'd love to know what you think! Please watch it (click on the photo or the link above) and let me know below!

Monday, June 8, 2020

Israel to Annex the West Bank

In the past few weeks, a new BIG announcement has come from Israel, following the new government formation by Prime Minister Netanyahu and Benny Gantz: the plan to annex Israel's ancestral lands of Gaza and the West Bank by July 1.
This is a BIG deal, because it would mean that Israel would once again hold all of the land that was given to them by God in the Old Testament, and, as pointed out in this article, fit the Ezekiel's prophecy:

"For I will take you from the nations, gather you from all the lands and bring you into your own land.”

Ezekiel 36:24

This blows my mind, from a historical perspective. From the perspective I talked about here, I can't help but think of the Palestinian Arabs living in this region and what they are thinking/feeling. In light of what is going on in the States right now and knowing of the ongoing tension between Jews and Arabs in Israel, my continued prayer is for peace. Again, I do not feel qualified as an outsider to speak on this situation, but I know God has charged me to pray. So I will. And, as a student of history, continue to watch, wide-eyed at what is to come.

To see an excellent 25-minute short film on the Arab perspective, click here

Monday, June 1, 2020

Why THE CHOSEN Shocked Me: An Open Letter to Dallas Jenkins

Dear Dallas,

I've never done this before, and might never again, but I wanted to take the time to publicly thank you for making The Chosen.

When I heard there was a "Jesus show for phones", I wasn't interested. Partially, because the last thing I want to do is watch a long video on a phone screen (now that I better understand how the technology connects to a tv, I think it's really cool), but mostly for 2 big reasons:

1) The "cheese factor": The majority of Christian movies fall into this category and *most* "Jesus movies" definitely do (I say movies, because yours is the first multi-season series! YAY!). The first category is so cheesy that it's painful. There's not enough cheese in France to rival some of these. And, not only are they cheesy, but they are often sub-quality, from the writing to the acting and production—everything. It's the kind of thing that could attract Christians, but not so much people who don't know Christ.

As a Christian and an artist, I'm a firm believer that we have the best reason of all to produce quality Art. It's a big soapbox of mine. We shouldn't have to qualify a Christian movie by saying, "For a Christian movie, it was really good." A question I always have when I hear of another Christian movie is "Does it have 'real' actors?", because that is often the first clue that it will need the above qualification. My second question is usually, "Are these actors actually Christians?" because of my second reason.

2) The "hypocrite factor": Christians in secular movies produced by Hollywood are often one of two things: cheesy, head-in-the-clouds, not-in-the-real-world characters or (worse) monsters. There is no faithfulness to the Gospel or God's Word. We can argue all day that those characters aren't really Christians, but that doesn't change the damage their portrayal does. It even more cringe-worthy, because these characters only contribute to false beliefs about God, Christians, and our faith.

For this reason, I don't go see Christian movies until they've been recommended by a lot of people I trust as both Christians and artists. This is to save my writer's heart from being discouraged again by another work that sacrificed Story for cheese.

But I had enough people tell me about The Chosen, and I had the time thanks to COVID-19, so I figured I'd give it a shot. And I wasn't just pleasantly surprised, as Nicodemus says in episode 7, "my heart was swollen with fear and wonder" (Don't get me started on how much I love that scene- or how many times I've watched it!).

Wonder, because this is high-quality Art that is what Christian Art should be: Story that points to God's character. Every element is so well done. You even have 'real' actors, haha, and from interviews I've seen that many are also followers of Christ. And while I talk here about many of the reasons why I've enjoyed this show, the main reason is because of Him.

As I told a friend, I saw Jonathan Roumie's portrayal of Jesus and thought, He reminds me of the One I love. I don't think I've ever thought that before about any Jesus movie or tv event. From the big conversations to the tiny nuances (a wink, a compassionate glance that somehow reaches straight through the character, through the screen, and into me, or a well-timed joke), God has given you the ability to capture both the humanity and the divinity of Jesus in a way that is a glimpse into who He really is—and who the first century world saw: His person. It's made Him personal in a way I've never seen in a "Jesus movie" before. How in the world are we going to get through the crucifixion episodes (which, I think, is partially the point)? How did his friends and family do it then, when they really thought all hope was lost?

Thank you for stepping out in faith and making this series. I know there's a long road ahead that will be filled with more incredible moments of God at work as He uses this show to reach people around the world. I can't wait to be part of it as a viewer and share-er. That's where the 'fear' comes in, although it's not so much fear as the knowledge that you will also continue to write, film, produce, and release in a great warfare, as this is a Story that the enemy does not want shared in this way. It's way too powerful, too close to the truth. Thankfully, we know who the victor is, and the guy you brought to life on screen looks a lot like Him.

I believe you when you say that you ask for people to lift the show up in prayer, and I will join with them, as this has such incredible potential for astronomical impact—much more so than any "Jesus movie" I've ever seen. I pray that God will continue to give you and those involved with The Chosen great wisdom, good health, and a reach that extends around the globe. May God continue to use this series to bring people to Him for years to come.

I've always believed that there could be Christian Art that tells a great story that is powerful, relevant, and faithful to God's Word. I believe this is one, and am so thankful someone told someone who told someone who told the many someones who told me about it. Now, I'm telling as many people as I can.

A sister in Christ,
Kristen Torres-Toro

*I say "most" because there are always exceptions. Mel Gibson's The Passion of the Christ is an excellent example of a non-cheesy Christian movie.