Sunday, April 26, 2020

Celebrations in Israel this week

This is a big week in Israel!

Last week, the ongoing struggle from the March 2 election finally came to an end, resulting in a joint emergency government. Incumbent Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was sworn in for 18 months,  while Benny Gantz will serve as Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister. After 18 months, Benny Gantz will follow him for another 18 months.

But this coming week is just as important.

Tomorrow, April 27, starts Yom HaZikaron, or Memorial Day for Israel, a day to remember fallen soldiers, veterans, and those killed by terrorist acts throughout Israel's history.

Then, sundown on Tuesday begins Yom Ha'Atzmaut, the 72nd Independence Day for the nation of Israel. This is the day that Israel declared their independence in 1948, which became official on May 14, 1948.

*photo from here*

From a new government to a remembrance of the fallen to celebrating the 72nd anniversary of their independence—all during a pandemic—is a big deal!

Congratulations, Israel!

Sunday, April 12, 2020

He is Risen!

I was "supposed" to be right there, at the tomb today, celebrating with Christians all over the world the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. But while I cannot be there because of COVID-19, my joy is still great because this truth remains:

He is not here; He is risen, just as He said. Come see the place where He lay.” 

Matthew 28:6

Praise God who reigns on high!

Have a wonderful Easter!

📷from the Garden Tomb, 2017 #bestdayever

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Happy Passover Week!

This is such an important week for Jews and Christians around the world. Starting with Palm Sunday yesterday to Resurrection Day on Sunday, it's a time of remembrance and celebration in the Christian faith.

For Jews, it is Passover, also a time of celebration and giving thanks for deliverance—the deliverance of their ancestors out of Egypt.

Passover 2020 officially starts on Wednesday, at 7:03pm Jerusalem time, and this year will be especially poignant:

For the first time in over 3500 years, Israelis will not even be able to leave their houses over Passover. While this is due to COVID-19, it's interesting because in Exodus 12:22, when Moses gave the people instructions about what to do, he said, "None of you shall go out of the door of his house until morning."

Wow! What a fascinating time we are living in!