Monday, December 10, 2018

Sitting at the Feet of Rabbi Jesus: An Answer to My Question

Ahhh! This is too good not to share!

In reading on in Sitting at the Feet of Rabbi Jesus, the authors start describing the place where Jesus gave the Sermon on the Mount.

Remember how I wondered in the post "When Jesus does Math" how the 15,000+ people were able to hear Him speaking, since they were outside—and before sound systems?

Spangler and Tverberg answered this for me! "How is it possible that Jesus could have been heard by thousands of people without a megaphone to amplify His voice? A number of years ago, biblical scholar B. Cobbey Crisler discovered the answer in the land itself. He found that the hillside near this rounded shoreline forms a natural amphitheater. Because of the acoustical properties of the surrounding land, a person could stand at the bottom of the hill or sit in a boat just offshore and be heard by someone far up on the side of the hill. So good were the acoustics that the speaker could talk in a normal voice and be heard" (page 174).

Sounds silly, but I'm so proud of myself for catching this, something I'd never thought of before seeing the place where Jesus taught that famous sermon. And finding this answer today felt like a "Great job being a student of Me, My Daughter" moment.

Thank you, Jesus!


  1. No but really ... how did they hear him without a sound system?!?! haha! Loved this!
