Monday, June 28, 2021

The Turned the World Upside Down by Charles Martin

 Finally, my review of Charles Martin's newest book, They Turned the World Upside Down!

I always need to start off talking about Charles Martin by stating that he is my favorite author, especially in the fiction world. His first nonfiction, What if It's True?, was incredible, and his second has not disappointed either. It felt very different than the first book, though still familiar, and it's clear why this book needed to be written and published as well. It's message is powerful, and one that needs pouring over instead of a quick read-through.

Since my focus on this blog is highlighting things about Israel or a culture connected with the Bible (first century or modern times), I'm going to focus on that for this review and specifically feature one insight that stood out to me. But I did want to say that these details are included to enhance the story and explain the context, not the focus—which is encouraging readers to live as Jesus charged His followers to. 

But here's what stood out to me as far as this blog's focus (and there were many moments like these with clear, cultural insights throughout the book):

In Chapter 9, "Willing to be Willing", Martin opens with the story of Peter and John going to the temple to pray in Acts 3. There, at the gate called "Beautiful", they meet a lame beggar who is asking for alms. He asks them for money, but Peter says, "Silver and gold have I none, but such as I have I give unto thee. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, get up and walk!" The Bible says that immediately, the beggars feet and ankles were made strong and he does: "leaping up, he stood and began to walk, and entered the temple with them, walking and leaping and praising God." 

This is where Martin says something I hadn't considered before: "Then he walks into the temple. Why? Because he's been lame since birth, and according to Leviticus, 'no one who has a blemish shall draw near, a man blind or lame.' Which means he was excluded from temple worship. For his entire life. No fellowship with God. He was born and has always been a complete and total outcast. But not any longer. Now he's included" (pages 138-139). 

WOW! Maybe I've heard this before in my life, but I can't remember if I had. The magnitude of that moment... not only the physical healing, but that it allowed the beggar to enter the temple for the first time... that can't be glossed over. His healing brought Him near to God. It brought him in fellowship with others, but most of all, the God of the universe. I'm going to be thinking on this for a while, and its wider implications of how our healing and freedom always brings us closer in fellowship with God. 

What do you think about this story? Did you know this before? And have you read this book? If not, I definitely recommend it! You can get it here on Amazon. Let me know what you think in the comments below!

Monday, June 21, 2021

BIG NEWS from Israel! (I'm going in July!)

Last week was a BIG week in Israel!

First, Naftali Bennett was officially sworn in as the new Prime Minister, after Netanyahu's historic 12-years of service. 

PM Bennett represents a coalition government, made up of parties from left, right, and center. It's the first of its kind to be in power. He will hold the PM position for 2 years and 3 months, and then Yair Lapid will be PM for the same amount of time.

Second, Gaza announced a new Prime Minister as well. Their new premier is Issam al-Da'alis, and he was also sworn in on Sunday.

Third, on June 15, Israel officially lifted all mask mandates for both inside and outside. Now, the only people who have to wear them are either traveling on planes, on their way to quarantine, or people in long-term care facilities.

But, the biggest news for me, was that ISRAEL IS OPENING TO FOREIGN TOURISTS JULY 1!!!!

Which brings me to MY big news- I'm going to Israel! As of the date I'm writing this post, I'm still looking at tickets, but I know it will happen sometime next month! Remember how my trip for April 2020 was cancelled? I'm so thankful that it has worked out for this year, and I cannot wait to get there and explore this incredible, amazing Land and culture!

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Marine Fossils Found on top of Mount Everest!

Did you see this?

NASA has officially confirmed the presence of marine fossils and limestone at the top of Mount Everest, the world's highest mountain!

According to this article, an analyst from Watch Jerusalem said, "If you were to entire smooth everything on earth, leveling mountains and filling in valleys and sea trenches, the sea would not only cover everything but the dry land would be submerged some 1.5 miles deep. So, yes, there is enough water on Earth to cover the existing land mass, let alone by the 7 meters that the Bible said prevailed above the world's highest peak".  

And the finding of fossils just proved the Bible true—again! I love it when that happens!

Click here to read the article in full! For a secondary article from Watch Jerusalem that is easier to read—fewer ads and more info—click here. I can't wait to see more of this as further things are discovered! I love this kind of stuff!


Monday, June 7, 2021

A New Prime Minister in Israel?

It's funny how some things take a long time to happen, and then suddenly come quickly!

Last week, a coalition for a new Israeli government was announced. As you can see from the image above, which was shared by Behold Israel's Amir Tsarfati on Telegram and in his Middle East Update last week, this coalition seems to be literally everyone BUT the Prime Minister of the last 12 years, Benjamin Netanyahu.

In order for someone to be declared PM, they need to have 61 seats out of 120 in the Knesset. In this coalition are groups from the progressive left all the way to ultra-conservative right.

The PM position will be shared by the 2 men pictured above. First, Naftali Bennett, who only claimed 6 seats, and then Yair Lapid for the final part of the term. They will be sworn in on June 13, 2021. 

Lapid reportedly told the president, “I commit to you, Mr. President, that this government will work to serve all the citizens of Israel including those who aren’t members of it, will respect those who oppose it, and do everything in its power to unite all parts of Israeli society.”

A new Prime Minister after 12 years... a new result after 4 elections in the past 2 years and didn't yield a clear winner. This is a big deal! The world will definitely be watching.