Just steps away from Skull Hill, this is tomb believed to be where Jesus was buried - and rose again. It sits in a garden, which is in the middle of modern day Jerusalem... and the garden itself is full of an indescribable peace. You feel it the second you walk in.
There's a lot of historical/Biblical evidence to this is the place being the actual tomb (mentioned in Calvary's picture), but here's one I hadn't heard before: When Mary Magdalene came to the tomb and saw it empty, and Jesus appeared to her, she thought He was the gardener... which means the Tomb had to have been in a garden and there had to have been an actual gardener for her to assume that. And she was steps away from a winepress, the remains of which are still there.

I got to go inside the Tomb three times, but my favorite moment was at the end of the day. Our tour ended early, and Betty and I realized we were only an 8 minute walk away. So we went and sat for an hour, watching tourists enter the tomb. Finally, the crowd dwindled, and I went in again. The girl in there left, so it was just me. And suddenly, I had to sing, praising the Risen One in the place where it happened. The acoustics were amazing; it was a moment I will never forget. I sang 3 songs, and only left because they were closing the actual garden for the day. #gardentomb #israel #apictureadayofIsrael